Tuesday, May 28, 2013


#BBATheChase: Early exit awaits?

On Sunday the 2nd of June, two housemates will pack their luggage and bid their fellow housemates and indeed the whole of Africa farewell but not to worry Nigeria, your darling Beverley and Melvin will see this one through and through. Five housemates from both the Ruby and Diamond are up for possible eviction.

From the Diamond house; Ethiopia’s Betty,Kenya’s Huddah and Denzel representing Uganda may suffer an early exit while from the Ruby house, Ghana’s Selly and Malawi’s Natasha may suffer a similar fate. Worthy of note is the fact that only Natasha and Betty are in the know of a possible eviction on Sunday so it is expected that they turn up their charms and strategies to get your votes in their favour. The three other #Chasers, Selly, Huddah and Denzel will get the shock of their lives when reality finally sets in on Sunday.

My bet on an early reunion with their family and friends is on Ethiopia’s Betty and Ghana’s Selly but it’s all on you Africa,who are you sending home on Sunday?

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