Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Just recently, Kim Kardashian hit her fans with the news that she was expecting a baby girl with Kanye West, but a more interesting revelation which was revealed on her show is that the star is considering eating her placenta in order to look younger. The 32 year-old, who is set to give birth in July, might be excited about becoming a mum but clearly the prospect of sleepless nights impacting on her beauty regime may be on her mind as well, as she asks the doctor about the benefits of scoffing down placenta. Talking to a doctor on the show Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the 32-year-old star asked,

“Don’t you think it makes you look younger?” I really wants to do it’

More interesting is the fact that these strange practice is somewhat accepted in Hollywood and maybe Kim is simply following their footsteps. Playboy Mansion, Holly Madison revealed that she ate her placenta after welcoming daughter Rainbow Aurora. Holly said that she was ingesting her placenta by having it dried out and turned into pill form. “I heard it helps women recover faster and I want to recover as quickly as I can!” she said before her baby was born. January Jones also said she did the same after welcoming son Xander

The placenta is a temporary protective organ that serves as a conduit between the mother and her developing young. The child is fed is through the placenta via the mother’s blood supply, as waste from the young exits to the mother for disposal. The placenta follows the newborn as it exits the mother, leaving in the moments after childbirth.

Placenta – it’s not just for shampoo anymore. There is a rising belief that eating a human placenta after child birth provides a nutritional benefit for the mother and possibly curbs postpartum depression.

While some cultures abhor the idea of consuming the placenta after childbirth, others believe the placenta is rich in nutrients that will greatly assist the mother to recover from childbirth, including slowing and stopping haemorrhaging during childbirth and helping with milk supply.

Anyways, While the doctor didn’t exactly give Kim the affirmative answer she appeared to be searching for he did admit there were certain health benefits.

Also, it is believed that consuming the placenta can:
  • Help to balance your hormones
  • Replenish depleted iron levels
  • Assist the uterus to return to its pre-pregnancy state
  • Reduce post-natal bleeding
  • Increase milk production – this has been proven in a study
  • Make for a happier, more enjoyable post-natal period
  • Increase your energy levels

Ladies what do you think about eating your placenta? Is this weird or just normal?

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