Thursday, May 2, 2013


During her pregnancy she was vocal about her plans to have her fiance deliver their first child at home.

Now Amber Rose has revealed her disappointment after her hopes for an entirely natural home birth ended with her son being delivered by caesarian section. read more after the cut

‘My ideal birth plan was just down the drain,’ she explained.

Doctors advised the model that a surgical birth was the best option after midwives found that her son was in the breach position – with his feet rather than his head positioned at the birth canal.

‘At 37 weeks one of the midwives said that that big lump right there on my top by my ribs was the baby’s head,’ she revealed on The Ricki Lake Show

‘I tried mugwort, acupuncture and then my last resort was aversion, which is when you go to the hospital and they manually try to turn your baby,’ she explained. ‘They push his head down and push his butt up… It hurt a lot. It was very painful. I cried.’

It was a blow for Amber, who had planned upon having her son at her home, in a birthing pool.

Amber’s decision was influenced by the documentary The Business Of Being Born, which addresses the commercialisation of birth in the U.S.

‘I first saw The Business of Being Born actually before I was even pregnant,’ she explained.

‘I was like, “If I ever get pregnant, that’s how I’m going to do it!” Then when I got pregnant, I watched it again and then I made Wiz watch it.’

Her fiance, Wiz Khalifa, supported the plan, taking natural birth lessons alongside Amber.

Before giving birth Amber even revealed: ‘I don’t want no medication. We take home birthing classes to teach us how to do it, and we’re gonna have our midwife, and when the baby’s head comes out, he’s gonna be Dr. Wiz.

‘He’s gonna be the first person to touch the child. No doctors, no gloves,’ added the 29-year-old.

But despite her plans Amber agreed with the doctors that a ceasarian was in her baby’s best interests.

‘After I tried everything, I was like, “I just want my baby, if I have to have a c-section, fine,”‘ she said.

‘But I told Wiz, “If we go to the hospital and my baby turns around, I’m going back home!”‘

Despite her initial brave plans to have a medication free birth, Amber was terrified of the idea of having surgery.

‘When I went in I was terrified, shaking. I was so scared,’ she said.

‘But then Wiz came in [and] just talked to me the whole time.

‘All of a sudden we heard Sebastian cry and we both started crying.’

Sebastian ‘The Bash’ Taylor Thomaz was born healthy in February, much to the delight of his proud parents.

And her experience Amber hasn’t been put off the idea of having a home birth in the future.

‘I feel like I made the right decision, but I knew right after having a c-section that [with] our next baby I definitely want to have my baby at home,’ she said.

‘Watching the documentary and seeing how the women pull the baby out and put the baby on their chest — that’s what I really, really wanted for me and Sebastian. That’s the part that I missed out on.’

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