Saturday, May 4, 2013


“When Koko Master fall in love you go know say water don pass Gari.”

Am I in love? – 12 signs to let you know that you may be.Love can be confusing, especially if you’re experiencing that feeling for the first time with someone new. It leaves you feeling scared and yet overwhelmingly excited.

Use these signs to find out if you’re in love, and if you do experience most of these signs, you’re truly and deeply in the first stage of love, in a perfect start to something that could change your life for the better, forever!

  1. Awesome and oh-so-perfect. When you start to fall in love with someone, everything about them would seem so perfect. And every second longer that you stare, they just seem to get better and better. And you can’t imagine anyone in the world who’s more perfect, and more importantly, perfect for you!
  2. You can’t focus. You’re constantly distracted and have a hard time focusing on anything other than this new person in your life. Everything other than your new lover including your work, your friends and your commitments start to take a backseat.
  3. You feel selfless. You can’t help but put this person’s needs before yours all the time. You’re eager to sacrifice your wants just to see your new lover happy because watching them happy makes you happy.
  4.  Mood swings and excitement. You’d feel excited all the time when you start falling in love with someone. But with that high of excitement also come the terribly painful lows of disappointment. You get excited easily when your sweetheart does something nice for you. But at the same time, you get disappointed very easily too, especially when your sweetie doesn’t call you on time or forgets to text you goodnight!
  5.  Daydreaming and fantasies. Your mind drifts away into fantasyland almost all day. You may be in the middle of an important meeting or having a conversation with friends, but your mind may involuntarily drift into a daydream about the last time you and your new lover did something together.
  6. There’s not enough time. When you’re falling in love with someone, time may stand still when both of you are together. But yet, there’s just not enough time to be with each other! You could spend all day in each other’s arms, but when it comes to saying goodbye, it’s still the hardest thing to say to each other.
  7. Jealousy and possessiveness. You’d feel very possessive of your lover. You may not always display your jealousy or your possessiveness to them, but you’d feel a twang of jealousy welling within you if you see your new lover having a flirty conversation with an attractive someone.
  8. Photographs. Omo don’t dull yourself. You create memories or try to compare anything both of you do together to something more beautiful, meaningful and dramatic. Something as trivial as having coffee together one evening could convince you that it one of the happiest evenings of your life. You try to take pictures of yourselves together.
  9. Mesmerized. You’re mesmerized when you listen to them talk about something. You don’t want them to stop talking, and you could spend all day watching those lips move so beautifully while saying anything at all. In fact, at times, you may be so mesmerized by them that you may not even realize what they’re talking about.
  10. Talk to my friends. When you love someone, you can’t stop talking to your friends about him/her. You would pick the phone and say would you talk to my friend, he wants to say hi. Meanwhile you had bragged that she had the sweetest voice you had ever heard.
  11. Everybody else vanishes. You may have been haunted by the memories of your ex for several months, but all of a sudden your ex doesn’t hurt you anymore. In fact, they don’t even exist anymore. Not only does your ex not exist anymore, most of your friends don’t exist. You forget to call everyone else except her/him.
  12. Those love songs. You may hate love songs to begin with, but when you fall in love, you can’t help but listen to mushy love songs and visualize your own fairytale romance in it. Somehow, love songs always make you feel more in love, especially if the lyrics seem to coincide with your own love story.

What else will you add to it? #13 If you can sing, you may be tempted to write about her and sing stuff like “my sugar banana”.

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